- 第一个字是“snow”。 The first word is snow.
- snow 一词以字母 s 开头。 'Snow' begins with (an) S/'S'.
- 浅论SNOW序列密码算法中的几个亮点 On bright points of SNOW stream cipher algorithm
- 管子工是安装和修理水管的人。 A plumber is a person who fits and mends the plumbing.
- 进了树林,Ivan看到snow on the trees and snow on the branches. A sledge can go very fast on the snow.
- 她成了该厂最好的缝纫工。 She became the best sewer in the factory.
- 厨工 kitchen worker; kitchen hands
- 在本月为期一周的中国之行中,Snow先生的公开声明缓解了人民币问题的压力。 During a week-long tour of China this month, Mr Snow publicly played down tensions over the currency.
- 运输工 haulageman
- 他是个见习机械工。 He was a mechanic who was on probation.
- 这位印刷工把这额外的一页加在这里。 The printer can set this additional page in here.
- 身材矮胖的管子工 a stockily built plumber
- 砌砖工 brickmason
- 放样工 mould loftsman
- 油漆工用白色调淡颜色。 The painter lightened the color with white.
- 变工况 varying duty
- 他找到了一份机修工的工作。 He found employment as a mechanic.
- 他担任装货工。 He works as a loader.
- 工休 holiday
- 管子工对管道做了仔细的检查。 The plumber made a careful check of the pipes.